President’s Update
Happy summer Michigan region. Hopefully everyone is getting a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather and sunshine. Did you know that our Michigan region has members involved at the national level? I am so proud to see Nancy Denton take over as President of SGNA. This is quite the accomplishment as we have had only one other President for SGNA from Michigan. Nancy has been involved at the national level for several years and has also been the treasurer for SGNA as well. We look forward to her leadership on the National level and are thankful for her input here in Michigan.
Our regional members were beaming at SGNA’s annual course held in Salt Lake City, Utah when our very own Sheri King was awarded Regional Society Member of the Year! Sheri is so deserving of this award, and we are blessed to have her as part of our Board. Her work on the newsletter, website, conference planning and registrations, guidance and mentoring of new board members along with many other things she does for us, keep MSGNA going strong. Sheri is truly one of our shining stars. You can read the about Sheri’s journey as a member on SGNA’s website Inside Tract. Congratulations Sheri!
This was the first in person Annual Course since 2019. Becky, our president elect, and I had the opportunity to attend a leadership conference at the annual course. I truly enjoyed once again reuniting with others and sharing our successes and challenges. It was an awesome leadership session and annual course with lots of education, self-care, and laughter. One of the presentations by Michelle Juan our 2020 SGNA past president resonated with me. She said, “look around the room and know that these are your people”. These are the people that share your passion, commitment, and love of GI and they truly are. I encourage everyone to attend the annual course next May in Phoenix Arizona, you won’t be disappointed!
We have a great fall conference planned, please come and be with “your people” at Great Wolfe Lodge in October. We also have elections starting up, think about running for a board position or get involved with a planning committee and share your passion!
Linda Lawrence BSN, RN, CGRN
SGNA President Janet King & Sheri King after presentation of Outstanding Regional Member Award
Nancy Denton receiving SGNA President gavel from out-going SGNA President Janet King
Hello. Hopefully everything is settling down for everybody. This year we are looking for nominations for Treasurer, Secretary and President-Elect. Secretary & Treasurer are two year terms. President Elect is a one year term that progresses to President and Past President. To run for President-Elect, you have to have served on the Board of Directors previously. Being on the Board of Directors of MSGNA has been such a privilege. The friendships and knowledge have been a blessing. Please consider nominating a friend or yourself for one of these positions. If you have any questions about any of these positions, please email me at
Thank you,
Pat Root, Past President
Believe it or not, we are looking for possible MSGNA conference sites for Fall 2023 and Spring and Fall 2024. Consider bringing an MSGNA Conference to your city. Have confidence in yourself and your unit. Below are some of the perks for planning a conference:
· 9 committee members will receive paid SGNA/MSGNA Membership for the following year
· Very rewarding experience
· Lots of networking with your co-workers/peers
· Access to MSGNA board for resource and support
Contact Diane Thompson, MSGNA Program Co-Chairperson, at 810-240-9314 email: Or Nancy Denton, MSGNA Program Co-Chairperson, at 248-881-9301, email:
MSGNA Fall 2022
“Color Tour into GI”
October 14-15, 2022
Great Wolf Lodge
Traverse City, MI
Munson Hospital Endoscopy Unit will be hosting this educational fall conference
SPRING 2023 A Virtual Experience
Being planned by your MSGNA Board of Directors & Any Volunteers!
Being planned by your MSGNA Board of Directors & Any Volunteers!
We are working towards helping you stay on top of the best GI education available.
The more we know, the stronger we are.
Diane Thompson- MSGNA Program Co-Chairperson, Email:
Nancy Denton- MSGNA Program Co-Chairperson, Email:
We are working towards helping you stay on top of the best GI education available.
The more we know, the stronger we are.
Diane Thompson
MSGNA Program Co-Chairperson
H—810-744-1971, C—810-240-9314 Email:
Melissa Sebold, Becky Capel President Elect, Nancy Denton SGNA President 2022-2023 & MSGNA Program Chair Asst, Diane Thompson Program Chair, Linda Lawrence President, Sheri King Newsletter/Website
***New SGNA/MSGNA members will receive a lunch bag with MSGNA logo when they attend their first in person conference! See Membership Director at Fall Conference 2022! ***
Jacqui Krupa Membership Director
Color Tour Into GI
Think Fall-Think Color-Think MSGNA
Traverse City on October 14-15, 2022, that should be enough to pick Great Wolf LodgeResort. But, we know that you may need a little excuse to justify a weekend in the glorious Fall colors that only Northern Michigan can offer. So, we are going to provide that excuse and lure you with an excellent presentation of GI education, contact hours, networking, friends and relaxation! The planning committee is busy setting the agenda. They started the list of topics you supplied on your evaluations from prior conferences. So you can see how important it is for you to fill out the evaluations. We value your comments and suggestions and try to act on them.
Please understand that your family is always welcome to accompany you and enjoy the resort while you are in lectures. MSGNA has already made education a main goal for all our members. We have offered contact hours as a quality assurance and for those Certified members who are working to maintain their certification. Now, as you all are well aware, in Michigan, the contact hour no longer are “nice to have”, but a “have to have”. Please remember, you can count on MSGNA to continue their tradition of excellence with the educational conferences offered.
Submitted by:
Diane Thompson
MSGNA Program Co-Chair
qui Krupa RN CGRN
MSGNA Scholarship Application
The MSGNA Scholarship is designed to award two categories of MSGNA members an opportunity to participate in the MSGNA fall conference. The scholarship includes full payment of tuition and 50% payment of 1 nights’ accommodations. All winners will be notified 45 days prior to the fall conference.
Fall MSGNA Conference
October 14-15, 2022
Traverse City, MI
Forward completed applications to:
Becky Capel
7576 Bingham St.
Zeeland, MI 49464
The MSGNA Board of Directors will score all applications.
· Please follow the directions carefully.
· Answer all questions thoroughly.
· Each question must be completed.
· The last two questions are subjective and will be rated according to content not length. The answers must be typed.
· If another sheet of paper is required, please number your answer in reference to each question and include your name on each sheet of paper.
This application must be received no later than August 15, 2022
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone: (H) ( ) (W) ( )
Please indicate which scholarship you are applying for:
MSGNA member 0 – 5 years MSGNA member > 5 years
1. Current consecutive years as SGNA/MSGNA member
2. CBGNA certified Yes Year No
3. Will you definitely be able to attend the MSGNA fall conference?
Yes No
MSGNA Involvement
4. Board Member
Date: Office:
5. Nominated and accepted nomination for board member.
6. Never nominated, but willing to serve.
7. MSGNA/SGNA committee or task force member within the last 5 years.
8. Written article for the Pathfinder within the last 5 years.
Date of article and topic: _____________________________________
9. Written article for the Gastroenterology Nursing Journal within the last 5 years.
Date of article and topic: _____________________________________
10. Chair/co-chair MSGNA conference. Date:
11._____Committee member MSGNA conference. Date:
12. _____Chair/co-chair SGNA or multi-regional conference. Date:
13. _____Committee member SGNA or multi-regional conference. Date:
Previous SGNA or MSGNA Conference Attendance
14. Date:
Date: ___ _____
18. In what specific ways have you promoted the MSGNA?
(Use an extra sheet of paper if necessary.)
19. Briefly, describe the direction you would like the MSGNA to take in
the future and how you would participate in this advancement.
(Use an extra sheet of paper if necessary.)
Awards and Scholarships
The American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN) is dedicated to the professional development of gastroenterology nurses. Through awards and scholarships, this organization seeks to recognize those nurses and facilities who have demonstrated commitment to excellence by validation of qualifications through certification.
The following awards are available through ABCGN:
Excellence in Professionalism: New Deadline! - Applications Due November 30th
Certified GI Professional of the Year: New Deadline! - Nominations Due November 30th
Certification Scholarship: New Deadlines!
Fall Exam: Applications Due March 10th
Spring Exam: Applications Due November 30th
Recertification Scholarship: New Deadline! - November 30th
Outstanding Certified Region: New Deadline! - Applications Due November 30
Additional information and application forms can be found on ABCGN website or
Applications and nomination forms can be mailed, faxed or emailed:
Mailing Address:
330 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60611
Fax: 312.673.6723 Email:
Certification Exam Study Tips
Gather Support
Identify a study buddy or form a study group. One of the benefits of a study group is the psychological support that members receive from each other throughout the study process. If no one is available contact SGNA’s Mentor program. There may be nurses in your area that will be able to get together. Sometimes, just talking to a mentor will give you insight into how to organize your study schedule. Study groups are most effective if three to six people are able to participate. If a study group is not possible, you can be a study group of one!
Once the group is formed it is important to set the ground rules. Identify a time, place, and responsibilities that are agreeable to the group.
First Step in Organizing a Study Group Activity
Whether you study alone or you study in a group you need to develop a “study plan.” Develop an outline of study topics from this plan. If you are in a group, identify one person to put together the study topics. If you are in the group to choose topics that you are weak in.
Determine a study schedule. If the group wants to study a topic in depth because of lack of exposure at your facility, you may devote more time in these areas. A study schedule should take from six to 12 weeks, depending on the group or individual needs.
Try to study every day
Avoid cramming Spend more time on your weak areas
Pick a time to study when you are most alert. Research shows that the morning and early evening are best.
Stick to the study schedule
Keep breaks short; three to five minutes is adequate
Study one topic at a time
The next day review what you learned the day before
Make outlines and map out what you learned and develop questions from your outline
Reading out loud helps reinforce the material
Tape record important items you want to remember or have difficulty in remembering and listen to them to and from work
Flash cards or index card may be helpful
Post a topic or drug of the week by the phone
The certification exam questions are written so the candidate uses critical thinking skills. There are certainly many recalled memory items, but the majority has you reflect on your practice and come to a conclusion with the right answer. Many of the questions will ask you to prioritize, or answer what is BEST, or MOST LIKELY. If you are a person who likes to memorize data, try to not only memorize the data and think of an example, so you really know it. If you don't understand it, search it out.
ABCGN Awards and Scholarships
The American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN) is dedicated to the professional development of gastroenterology nurses. Through awards and scholarships, this organization seeks to recognize those nurses and facilities who have demonstrated commitment to excellence by validation of qualifications through certification.
The following awards are available through ABCGN:
Excellence in Professionalism: Applications Due February 15
Certified GI Professional of the Year: New Deadline! - Nominations Due November 30
Certification Scholarship: New Deadlines!
Fall Exam: Applications Due April 1
Spring Exam: Applications Due November 30
Recertification Scholarship: New Deadline! - November 30
Outstanding Certified Region: New Deadline! - Applications Due November 30
Additional information and application forms can be found on ABCGN website or
Applications and nomination forms can be mailed, faxed or emailed:
Mailing Address:
330 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60611
Fax: 312.673.6723
Why Certify?
. . . Because the rules are changing.
In these days of health care reform and cost containment, cross-training, consumer education and self-determination, and managed care, it isn't enough just to be a good nurse. To be competitive, you've got to keep up - and keeping up with modern nursing means getting certified.
Certification can help you:
· Expand your role in providing patient services
· Earn more money
· Advance in your career
· Improve patient care and
· Find greater satisfaction with your job.
All indications are that health care reform and cost containment will mandate more direct patient care by nurse specialists. In the near future, nurse specialists may qualify to perform diagnostic procedures, practice independently, provide care reimbursed by third party payers and manage and follow up on patients. Hospitals and clinics will seek out nurse specialists in order to attract provider contracts. How will nurse specialists be identified? They will be certified nurses.
Why? Because:
· Certification validates your qualifications and your advanced competence.
· Certification demonstrates your professional aspirations and your desire to improve the quality of patient care and delivery of services.
· Certification rewards your continuing efforts to improve your knowledge and skills in your profession.
· Certification reflects your commitment in time, effort and expense to gastroenterology nursing.
· Certification assures professional recognition from your peers and colleagues.
Certification is a voluntary process of validating knowledge, skills and abilities beyond the scope of RN licensure. Nursing certification has benefits for patients and families, employers, and nurses. The body of research relating to certified practice is also growing, quantifying the outcomes of certified nursing practice.
10 Ways to Boost Your Gastro IQ
The English Oxford Dictionary describes learning as “the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught”. Everyone has the opportunity to advance their professional knowledge and skills. There is an enormous amount of educational resources at your fingertips, but it can be overwhelming. Here are tips to help guide you:
Think outside the box when it comes to pursuing continuing education. In addition to traditional GI courses, look for courses in related fields such as nutrition, oncology and surgery. Some product and supply companies have free webinars with continuing education. Check for courses offered through related nursing specialties and other professional organizations.
Immerse yourself in a patient culture. Attend or facilitate a support group. Volunteer at a patient event like camp or a community fundraiser. Look at online patient communities and social media sites. It helps when you can see patients’ lives from their perspective.
Put your detective hat on and do some investigating. Many GI nurses and associates work in one area of the patient’s journey. Start looking at each patient’s entire journey and connect the different pieces to create a complete picture. Ask patients and the healthcare team questions. Read pathology reports and History & Physicals. Research patients’ diseases and relate what you learn back to what you know.
Be your own teacher. If you don’t understand something, then look it up. Keep a glossary of words related to your patient population. Create a binder, e-mail file or iBook library of articles and resources. Use the online resource links listed in this article to help you learn more about specific GI diseases and treatments. Make time routinely in your schedule to learn.
Know where to find information. There are multiple professional and patient websites with GI content. These include GI disease specific, general disease and gastroenterology organization websites. Many of these sites have journals, blogs and apps associated with them. Most brand name products, like nutrition supplements and medications, also have their own websites which can be great resources. Sign up for e-mail alerts from these online resources for up to date information. Find out what’s readily available to you at your facility such as learning management systems, health libraries, medical/health databases and patient education programs.
Use the resources and training method(s) that work best for you. Everyone has different learning/training styles. Websites and educational materials created for the public, patients, or children are sometimes easier and quicker to learn from than those created for healthcare professionals. Podcasts may suit you better if you are an auditory leaner. Videos, such as those on YouTube and some medical websites, may be a better choice for visual learners. Using a variety of methods and breaking down the information into smaller amounts will yield the best outcomes. There is no right or wrong way to train as long as you learn.
Remember that people are great resources. Get to know the experts at your facility. These professionals include physicians, advanced practice professionals, Nurse Navigators, dietitians and genetic counselors. You may want to set up time to shadow these skilled professionals. Attend your facility’s grand rounds and tumor boards if you have the opportunity.
Share the knowledge. When you share information you teach, and when you teach you learn. Share new resources with your coworkers. Give an in-service to your GI/professional peers. Create a patient or staff bulletin board or a newsletter to share disease information. Write an article or blog on a subject matter you know well or would like to learn.
Learn from others. Ask an experienced nurse or other healthcare professional to be your mentor. Join online communities, like the one from SGNA. There are also Facebook groups from organizations and journals. Create or join a journal club. Alternate routine staff presentations at your unit or committee meetings.
Make learning fun. Learning doesn’t have to be boring. You can easily create games by replacing questions in an existing game with questions related to the subject you’re studying. Search online for ideas and websites, like Pinterest, to help you create activities. Turn your games into a friendly competition with your peers.
Not all learning is or should be in a formal setting. Let each experience be a lesson for you. No matter which way you choose to learn, don’t stop; keep moving forward. Albert Einstein said “once you stop learning you start dying”. That may not be literally true, but you will increase your confidence and competence and grow in your professional role when you take time to expand your knowledge and skills.
Abbott Nutrition Health Institute:
American College of Gastroenterology:
Animated Pancreas:
Medline Plus:
Transition to Practice
About the Program
SGNA’s Transition to Practice Program was created to support the content, foundational training, and practice of those transitioning into gastroenterology nursing. All of the modules in this program are online and self-paced, allowing you to complete them on your own time.
This program was developed by GI nurses with experience in areas including as educators, nurse managers, Infection Prevention Champions, SGNA committee members and chairs, and board members for organizations in the gastroenterology field. SGNA is here to help you and your staff transition to GI.
Are you a nurse manager?
With SGNA's new Transition to Practice program, you can better prepare new nurses for the GI environment. This program can be used as a training tool for your staff to receive consistent and convenient education as they transition to your GI unit.
Available Modules
There are five modules that cover the fundamental topics needed for those transitioning to the GI field.
· Anatomy Physiology and Pathology of the Gastrointestinal
· Endoscopes and Accessory Equipment
· Infection Prevention
· Mod Sedation
· Role Delineation
Modules are available in your account for 60 days from the date of purchase.
CE Credits
The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc., is accredited as a provider of Continuing Nursing Education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. This course is worth 4.25 contact hour(s). Contact hour(s) expire on 3/29/2022.
ABCGN: According to the criteria of the American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN), 3.67 hour(s) earned in this activity are considered GI Specific for the purpose of recertification by contact hours through the ABCGN. Contact Hour(s) Expiration: 2/14/2021.
CBSPD: According to the criteria of the Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution, Inc. (CBSPD), 4.25 contact hour(s) earned in this activity are considered approved. Contact Hour(s) Expiration: February 2024
IAHCSMM: According to the criteria of the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM), 4.25 CE earned in this activity are considered approved. Contact Hour(s) Expiration: 2/12/2021.
Apply for ABCGN Awards & Scholarships Now!
ABCGN’s awards and scholarships program support its vision to lead and promote professional excellence in the practice of gastroenterology nursing.
The following Awards and Scholarship applications are due by November 30th:
Excellence in Professionalism Distinction - This distinction recognizes nurses recognize those nurses who have demonstrated commitment to excellence by validation of qualifications through certification.
Certified GI Professional of the Year - This award recognizes those who demonstrate a commitment to outstanding patient care and positive outcomes through the teaching and learning of high performance standards, advocacy for the practice of gastroenterology nursing, and leadership within their unit and the broader GI nursing community.
Outstanding Certified Region - This award recognizes the SGNA Regional Society most active in supporting ABCGN certification.
Certification and Recertification Scholarships - The ABCGN Certification Scholarship provides financial assistance for the certification exam and the Re-certification Scholarship provides financial assistance for recertification by contact hours.
Don't miss out on these awards!
Thank you
ABCGN Board of Directors
Get Involved with SGNA!
SGNA Committees
SGNA offers unique and rewarding opportunities for you to be part of the gastroenterology community. Serving as a volunteer on a SGNA committee is your opportunity to share your knowledge, passion and skills with the Society while learning from and networking with your colleagues.
Call for volunteers, through the Willingness to Serve Form are now closed. All volunteer positions are a one (1) year term from May 2022 - May 2023 unless otherwise noted.
Learn more about each of our committees by reading the descriptions below or contacting the committee chair. Click each button to learn more!
Awards Committee
Education Committee
Healthcare Policy Committee
Program Committee
Practice Committee
Regional Societies Committee
Research Committee
Other Ways to Get Involved
Associates Advisory Group
Gut to the Chase Podcast Speaker Interest
We'd love to hear from you! Contact SGNA Headquarters with any questions about SGNA volunteer opportunities.
Interested in serving on a committee or task force for the American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN)? Please contact ABCGN Headquarters via phone at: 855/25-ABCGN or via email at:
2022 MSGNA Board of Directors
Linda Lawrence BSN, RN, CGRN
President Elect:
Rebecca Blood RN CGRN
Past President:
Pat Root, RN, CGRN
Sarah Shaft RN
Jennifer Passow RN
RaeDeane Hawthorne RN
Jacqui Krupa RN
Newsletter/Website Coordinator:
Sheri King RN, BSN, CGRN
Program Chair:
Diane Thompson BA, LPN, CGN
Program Co-Chair:
Nancy Denton, RN, BSN, CGRN
Vendor Coordinator:
Pam Bednarz RN
MSGNA Poster Award
It's time to start thinking about heading off to sunny Phoenix, AZ in 2023. The 50th SGNA Annual Course will be held in Phoenix May 7-9, 2023. If you are interested in going, submitting a poster is a great way to get help paying for the trip. (Hint #1: you may have a project or study going on in your unit already that could qualify) See below for poster criteria and benefits. Due date for SGNA abstract yet to be announced but will be in the fall. There are two types of posters that can be submitted: Education & Evidence Based-Research. (Hint #2: See MSGNA's Facebook page to see some of the great posters displayed at this year's annual course for inspiration and example.
MSGNA members in good standing for 1 year prior to display date are eligible to participate.
Applicant will be expected to do the following:
~ Send their abstract to SGNA by the due date.
~ Follow SGNA guidelines for poster size, content, etc.
~ Once approved by SGNA, certificate of approval must be submitted to the MSGNA President Elect. (Current President Elect is Becky Blood at
~ Transport, set up, and break down the poster at the SGNA Annual Course.
~ Attend the Annual Course. In the event that the winner is unable to attend, the monies must be returned to MSGNA via the current treasurer within 45 days of the SGNA Annual Course.
~The applicant must display & present the poster at the Fall MSGNA conference.
Monetary awards will be based on the availability of funds, up to $1500 max per poster, up to $4500 Max per year divided up by applicants. Receipts for the below must be submitted to the treasurer within 45 days to receive reimbursement:
~ Early Bird Registration
~ Airfare/ Transportation
~ Four nights lodging
~ Food allowance- $30.00 a day for up to five days
~ 50% of the poster production and shipping costs
Education Poster Criteria:
Each Education poster abstract will be evaluated according to the following areas for presentation at
the Annual Course:
- Content: Relevant to current GI nursing and endoscopy practice. Based on current best practices. Focused on key issues or trends.
- Clarity: Title and abstract clearly describe the poster.
- Importance: Depth, focus, level of audience interest.
- Applicability: Content applicable to diverse tracks and practice settings (Levels: Novice through Expert; Settings: Hospital, ASC, Office; Roles: (Nurse, Technician, Manager)
- Writing and aesthetics: Poster clearly and professionally written (spelling, punctuation, grammar). Poster is aesthetically pleasing.
- Commercial Content: Existence of brand names and/or the mention of specific products as the focus of the poster.
Evidence-based Practice/Research Criteria:
Evidence-based Practice/Research poster abstracts may be submitted for completed studies or those at least in the data collection phase that will be completed prior to the SGNA Annual Course.
Evidence-based Practice/Research Poster Abstracts must include the following:
- Background/Framework: State the aim, objective, or purpose of the study, briefly describe the problem that the research is designed to solve, provide the theoretical basis (if any) that justifies the approach.
- Significance/Purpose: Demonstrate significance to gastroenterology nursing.
- Methodology: Provide detailed instructions for completing the investigation.
- Results: Describe results of the study.
- Conclusions/Implications: Describe plans for data analysis and demonstrate how the analysis relates to the hypotheses or research questions. For Evidence-based Practice, did the practice change as a result?
- Clarity: Title and abstract clearly describe the poster content.
- Writing and aesthetics: Poster clearly and professionally written (spelling, punctuation, grammar). Poster is aesthetically pleasing.
- Commercial Content: Existence of brand names and/or the mention of specific products as the focus of the poster.
Tips for Writing a Successful Poster Abstract
Writing a successful poster abstract may seem a daunting task but it doesn’t need to be. You have exceptional practices and ideas, and we encourage you to share them with your colleagues! The SGNA Annual Course provides a forum for this type of collaboration. In an effort to assist you with this endeavor, please note the following tips for submitting a successful abstract:
1. Review the SGNA abstract criteria BEFORE you submit the abstract. Contact SGNA Headquarters at with any questions or clarification you may need.
2. Develop the abstract in another document and review before attempting to enter the information.
3. Keep it concise; the abstract should provide major points and key content your poster will address.
4. Address the following: Why this topic? What is the purpose of this poster? What are the main findings?
What is the key take home message(s) for the poster viewer?
5. References should be recent (at least within the past 5 years, 3 years is preferable).
6. Solicit the expertise of a trusted colleague and have them review the abstract to ensure its clarity.
7. Review the submission for any typos, punctuation, and grammatical inconsistencies.
8. Limit the abstract to 200 words.
Example Posters from SGNA #49 Utah
Help Our Community Grow
As a member of SGNA, YOU are our best advocate! Tell your colleagues to join you in our community and to use you as a referral, so that you will receive a 10% discount on your 2022 renewal! Let them know about the benefits of an SGNA membership, including:
Maintain your license and other certifications through contact-hour opportunities
The latest COVID-19 resources for your unit
Discounted prices for educational offerings and programs, including the Annual Course
Exclusive access to our online communities
Access to SGNA Position Statements and Standards
Up-to-date information on the latest education, tools and resources
SGNA needs you in order to continue to provide our members with new opportunities and exclusive member-only benefits!
How It Works
Beginning each September, you will be able to refer members to SGNA and receive a renewal discount for your own SGNA membership. Referrals collected between September 1 and August 31 each year will be counted towards for your renewal discount for the following year.
Special Interest Groups
SGNA's Special Interest Groups are a place for SGNA members to share resources and discuss issues on specialty topics. All members are welcome to join the Special Interest Groups whether you have years of experience or you are interested in learning more.
Special Interest Groups
Eligibility Requirements
All SGNA members are invited to participate in Special Interest Groups.
How to Join a Special Interest Group: Go to SGNA website and log in and select Members Resources
Please review these minutes again so they can be reviewed & voted on at the General Business Meeting on October 15th at the Fall MSGNA Conference at the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City.
MSGNA Business Meeting Minutes
Fall conference
October 2nd, 2021
Present: Linda Lawrence, Sarah Shaft, Sheri King, Nancy Denton, Susan Brown, Mary Pierce,
Diane Thompson, Karen Stafford, Margaret Brown
Not Present: Jacqui Krupa
Purpose Of Meeting: Yearly Business Meeting
Called to Order @1216
1. President – Linda - review of board members and positions. Still in need of a vender coordinator.
Review of 2021 activities – virtual spring conference, Art of GI in person conference.
Nancy Denton will be President of the National SGNA.
In 2020, we received the outstanding regional society of MSGNA
2. Past President – Mary –
Elections – need positions filled. We are doing great as a region. Mary also helps at the national level
3. President Elect – Karen – Kathy Smith won scholarship
4. Treasurer – Susan – Doing great with our budget, staying steady. Need treasurer position
5. Membership Update – Linda – we have 199 members. Had 220 prior to covid
6. Secretary – reviewed minutes from virtual conference – motion to approve minutes – motion passes
7. Policy/procedure/bylaws and common update – Margi –
Working on violence in the workplace & colon cancer awareness month.
Colonoscopies and EGD’s dropped 90% in 2020
Working on a retreat in November to review policy and Procedures. Discussion about changing the hours of meetings to evening and weekends
8. Newsletter and website – If anyone needs to add anything to pathfinder, they have until November to send articles to Sheri
Having glitches in the website – looking for new website solutions
9. Program Update – Diane and Nancy – Spring 2022 virtual conference
Annual conference - May20th-24th 2022 Salt Lake City Utah – Reunite, Recharge, Reflect
We are hosting Fall conference 2022 – need venue. Looking at potential sites
If you get another member to join SGNA, you will receive 10% of your renewal
Meeting Adjourned @ 1237
Respectfully Submitted
Sarah Shaft
MSGNA Secretary
Fall conference
Great Wolf Lodge, Traverse City MI
October 15, 2022
Color Tour into GI